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how to make money with ai

How to earn money from Ai: Friends, in today’s time AI is being used in every field. If you know how to use AI correctly, then you can print lakhs of rupees a month from home, for this you just need to have good knowledge of using AI.

If you do not know about earning money from AI, then you can get information by joining our archive and with its help you can earn lakhs of rupees a month. In this, you do not even need to go out anywhere, but you can earn money with the help of laptop sitting at your home.

What is Ai

AI was started in the world in the 1950s. The father of Ai is John McCarthy, who created Artificial Intelligence by studying the human brain and developing intellectual capacity. Currently, with the help of Artificial Intelligence, work is being done in companies or online.

What are the benefits of getting work done by Artificial Intelligence because our work gets done very quickly. And it also costs us a lot, but currently with the help of AI we can earn money sitting at home.

Types of Artificial intelligence

There are 3 types of AI based on work capability

Narrow AI – This type of AI only performs specific tasks. Meaning, they have the ability to do only 1 type of work. For example, Siri, Alexa.

General AI – General AI, also known as Strong AI, refers to a type of artificial intelligence that can understand, learn and apply knowledge to any task at the level of human intelligence. It can perform any intellectual task that humans can do, including reasoning, problem-solving and understanding complex concepts. However, this type of AI is still not there and has not yet been developed.

Superintelligent AI – Refers to an AI that surpasses human intelligence in all aspects, including creativity, problem-solving and decision-making. It will be able to outperform humans in every field from scientific research to social skills. This level of AI is entirely theoretical and raises significant ethical and security concerns, as its potential impact on society and humanity is dire.

How to earn money from Ai

If you are thinking of earning money with the help of Artificial Intelligence, then you are thinking absolutely right because with its help people are earning lakhs of rupees a month without hard work.

To earn money from Artificial Intelligence, if you have to earn money using all the methods mentioned by us, then you have to read the information given by us carefully and follow it-

#1 – Freelancing

Using Artificial Intelligence, you can earn money from freelancing, because you can take any project by visiting the freelancing website. Which you can do with the help of AI.

Whatever project you take through freelancing such as content writing, web designing etc., then you can complete that project as soon as possible with the help of artificial intelligence and can take from ₹ 5000 to ₹ 10000 per project.

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how to make money with ai

#2 – Website Designing

If you know how to use artificial intelligence properly, then you can design a website with it. When you do any work with the help of artificial intelligence, it is much better than humans.

To do website designing with artificial intelligence, you have to first do a course in artificial intelligence, only then you can do this design. After that you can earn money from it very easily sitting at home.

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#3 – Blogging

With the help of Artificial Intelligence, you can also earn money by blogging. In this, you have to create a blogging website of your own. After that you have to create blogs with the help of intelligence.

When your website starts ranking on Google, you are given Google Adsense by Google. After this, advertisements come on your website and you are given money in dollars by Google for the month.

#4 – Digital E-book

If you want to earn money in this way, then you have to create an e-book with the help of Artificial Intelligence. After that, he has to go to a website like Flipkart or Amazon and sell it.

In this way, you can earn ₹ 30000 to ₹ 40000 a month by selling digital e-books with the help of intelligence. You do not need to work hard in this.

#5 – YouTube Video

If you know how to use artificial intelligence properly, then you can also earn money by making YouTube videos. For this, you just have to create your own YouTube channel and create good videos for it.

When your YouTube channel starts growing well and you have 1000 subscribers and 400 hours, then you have to monetize your channel and earn money.

Conclusion – How to make money with AI

I wanted all of you to be able to earn money by working with AI like me, that is why I have written this post on how to earn money from AI. In this, I have told you about practical ways to earn money.

I hope you found this article helpful. Friends, do share it with your friends so that they can also earn money from AI.

With the help of the methods mentioned by us, you can easily earn a good amount of money in a month with the help of Artificial Intelligence.



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