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How to earn money online trading

Earning money from trading has become a job for many people nowadays. You can earn lakhs of rupees from home by trading. But, do you know what is trading and How to earn money online trading? If not, don’t worry, we will tell you in great depth in this article what is trading and How to earn money online trading?

To start earning money from trading, first of all you have to open an online trading account. This account is also called a demat account. Then you have to link your bank account to the demat account. When your account is set up, you can start trading by depositing money in it. But keep in mind, there is not always profit in trading. There is also a risk of loss in it.

So, if you are thinking of trading, then first understand about it well. In this article of ours, we will tell you some good ways to earn money from trading, using which traders are earning lakhs of rupees, so definitely read our article How to earn money online trading till the end.

Come on friends, let’s start the article immediately without any further delay.

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How to earn money online trading

Trading is such an art that after learning it, you can earn a lot of money in a very short time. Today there are many types of trading and people are earning lakhs of rupees through these different methods.

Some people are earning money from online trading, some are earning money by trading in the stock market, some are earning money by trading in the commodity market, and some are earning money from the recently very popular Cryptocurrency Trading.

Now you may be confused that out of so many types of trading, which type of trading can I earn money from, so let’s talk about all these methods one by one, how you can earn money from trading-

#1. Start with Dummy Trading (Paper Trading)

To earn money from trading, it is very important to learn and understand trading. If you trade without learning, then even if you earn money in the beginning, but you are sure to incur huge losses. No matter what type of trading you are doing, it is very important to do paper trading continuously for a year, this will give you experience in trading and your trades will be more accurate.

90% of people lose their money in trading because they do not know trading. If you really want to earn money from trading, then you should do paper trading continuously for a year. Many people do not consider paper trading important, or leave it in the middle, they can never earn money.

By doing paper trading for a year, you will get knowledge of things like Entry Point, Exit Point, Stoploss, Profit & Loss etc. Through paper trading, you will get a good knowledge of how the stock market works. You can find out how much money you could have earned or lost without losing money through paper trading. When 7 out of 10 trades in your paper trading start getting correct and start happening continuously, then you can start trading with your own money, because even traders earning lakhs of rupees get 7-8 out of 10 trades correct.

#2. Earn money from the stock market through online trading

The first step to earn money from the stock market is to open a demat account. This account allows you to buy and sell shares. After this, you have to link your bank account to this demat account and deposit money in it.

To earn money in the stock market, you can do online trading. Here are some major online trading methods below:

1. Intraday Trading:

In this, you have to buy and sell the stock in a single day. In this, you have to monitor the stock throughout the day and take advantage of the rapid changes in the stock prices at the right time.

2. Swing Trading:

In this, you can earn money by keeping the stock for a few weeks or months. This method is more suitable for those who can wait for some time.

3. Option Trading:

Option trading is risky, but here you can earn more money with less money. In this, you get the right to buy or sell a stock for a certain period of time.

#3. Earn money by trading in Nifty and Bank Nifty

When you invest in these indices, you invest not in the shares of different companies, but in the entire sector together. This diversifies your portfolio and works to make your investment safe.

The level of liquidity in Nifty and Bank Nifty is very high, so that you do not have any problem in buying and selling shares in large quantities. Along with this, these indices also reflect the major changes in the market, which gives you more information about investment and makes it easier to take investment related decisions.

While trading in Bank Nifty, you need to take special care of one thing. You have to invest only in the shares of all the major players of the bank sector. For this, you have to understand the activities and events of the banking sector well, so that you can decide the right investment at the right time.

You should also keep in mind that trading in Nifty and Bank Nifty is not a child’s play, for this the trader needs quality and experience. It is very important for you to understand the chart pattern of these indices, read market predictions and make an investment strategy.

#4. Earn money by swing trading

Swing trading is an art in which patience and wisdom have to be used. This is a kind of exciting game, in which you get a chance to understand the moves of the stock market and by investing at the right time, big money can be earned.

In swing trading, you buy the stock for a period of 1 week, 1 month and when the target of the stock is completed, you earn money by selling the stock.

In swing trading, you need to pay special attention to what kind of upper and lower limit the price of a stock is moving between. When you understand this upper and lower limit, you can invest there and hold them until their value reaches your profit level.

Only skill and right decisions can take you ahead in this game. To earn a good amount from swing trading, you have to understand the stock market movements as well as plan your future and keep a constant watch.

#5. Earn money from futures and options trading

Earning money by trading futures and options is an exciting process that gives you a chance to understand the nuances of the market and make profits by investing at the right time. For this, first of all you have to activate the F&O (future & Option) segment in your brokerage app. After this you will be ready to trade futures and options.

Trading in futures and options in the stock market can be a bit risky, but by using good knowledge and technique in it, you can earn a lot. Futures and options trading gives you the opportunity to buy and sell call and put options.

If you think the market will rise, you can make money by buying a call option. If you think the market will fall, you can make a profit by buying a put option.

In this way, whether the market is bullish or bearish, you can make a profit through trading in futures and options. But before investing in it, you must have a good understanding of the market.

#6. Earn money through cryptocurrency trading

Cryptocurrency trading is a great way to earn money online. In this, you can try your luck in the market of digital currencies. This is a new and reliable platform, in which investments are made in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin.

If you want to get into cryptocurrency trading to earn money, then you must first create your account on a well-known and safe crypto exchange. After this, buy the cryptocurrency of your choice and earn by selling it at the market price at the right time.

The special thing about cryptocurrency trading is that this market never closes and you can expect success 24/7. Apart from this, this market is quite volatile, which gives you more opportunities to earn profits.

However, before investing in the crypto market, research it thoroughly and invest according to your budget. It is a risky market, but if you study it properly and act at the right time, you can earn good profits from it.

#7 Make Money With Commodity Trading

Commodity trading is a great way to make money by investing in various commodities, such as clothing, food items, metals, and other commodities. It is a financial market that can give you great returns.

To make money through commodity trading, you first need to open an account with a trusted commodity broker. You can then start trading by depositing money into your account. When trading in the commodity market, you get the opportunity to invest in various commodities such as gold, silver, rice, coffee, and oil.

You should carefully select commodities that you believe in and have a good understanding of their volatility, for this you should keep an eye on market trends.

Keep in mind that before investing in the commodity market, consult a trusted advisor and understand the dynamics of the market. When you have the right information and you take action at the right time, commodity trading can prove to be a very good option for you.

How to become a successful trader?

A successful trader executes 7-8 trades out of 10 correctly and thus earns a good amount of money. If you want to become a successful trader, then read the points given below carefully and follow them:

#1. Focus on risk management

You can earn a lot of money through trading, but it involves risk. You have to understand that it is important to trade as carefully as possible. Do not trade by taking loans at any time in life, because this mistake of most traders has ruined them.

Whenever you trade, definitely place a stop loss order. This can reduce your risk and help protect your investment. Follow great traders and learn from them. You will get to learn a lot from their experience.

Never invest the entire part of your capital at once during trading. This will help protect your investment and you will be able to avoid more risk.

If you make a profit on a particular day, try to take at least 80% of the profit home and trade with the remaining 20% on that day. This will help you save on the profit and avoid losses.

#2. Understand trading psychology

If you want to make money from trading, it is very important to understand trading psychology because many times such chart patterns are formed where it becomes very important to know the mindset of people.

Like Warren Buffett said, Be greedy when the market is fearful, and be fearful when the market is greedy. Similarly, it is very important to understand many psychology of trading, only then you can become a successful trader.

Many times people buy shares but due to greed, they do not sell them despite making profits. As a result, that share falls much below the purchase price and has to be sold at a loss. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules and it is also important to control your mind and it is very important to understand trading psychology.

#3. Learn to do technical analysis

It is true that whether you are trading in the stock market, commodity market, or forex market, technical analysis is required. If you understand technical analysis, you can earn a lot of money from trading.

Technical analysis means doing a technical study of a chart. To understand any chart, you must have knowledge of technical analysis. This helps you to understand the price patterns of the market through the chart format, moving averages, indicators and candlesticks.

After learning technical analysis, you can easily earn money from online trading. It is a powerful and effective tool that helps you understand market movements and make profits from it.

#4. Follow the rules

Follow your rules while trading, such as risk management, stoploss, etc. You can also make some of your own rules about how much amount I have to trade with, etc.

If you do not follow the rules in trading, then you are sure to incur huge losses in trading. By following the rules, you can keep your money safe and earn money by using it properly in trading.

#5. Be patient and consistent

Many times our predictions in the market do not go right, and if this happens continuously, you may get frustrated and sad, but you have to keep your focus and follow your rules and plans.

Because you will also gain some experience from this and will not repeat such a mistake in the future, so be patient.

Because you will also get some experience from this and will not make such a mistake again in the future, so be patient.


So friends, how did you like this article, through this article we learned how to open money from trading? Through this article, we have told you very easy ways about all those methods, using which you can earn lakhs of rupees a month from Trading.

If you have not understood any information in this article, or you want to get other information, or you want to give us any kind of suggestion, then you can tell us by commenting below in the article, we will try to reply to your comment soon.

If you liked our article How to earn money from trading? And you liked the information given by us, then definitely share it with your friends so that they can also earn money from trading.


Q 1.How much money can you earn by trading?

Earnings in trading can vary, it depends on the amount you invest, your trading strategy and the current market conditions. Some people trade for small profits, while others expect big profits. Successful traders can earn up to lakhs of rupees, it is important to note that trading is a high-risk activity and there is a risk of loss.

Q 2.Can I earn 500 a day by trading?

Yes, you can easily earn 500 a day by trading, but if you have trading skills, experience, then you can earn even more.

Q 3.Can trading make you rich?

Yes, absolutely. Trading can make you very rich. There are many people who have earned crores of rupees only by trading.



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