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What is micro niche blog

If you are a blogger or want to start blogging, then Micro Niche Blog can be a good option for you. In this, you can easily earn from ₹ 50,000 to one lakh rupees per month even with less hard work. In this post, we will give you complete information about what is Micro Niche Blog and how to create a Micro Niche Blog2025.

After reading this post, you will get the answer to all the questions related to Micro Niche Blogging in your mind and you will be able to create a Micro Niche website of your own. While writing this, we have mainly focused on these three points:

  • What is Micro Niche Blog?
  • How to create Micro Niche Blog in Hindi? Full Process step by step.
  • How to earn money from Micro Niche Blog?

What is Micro Niche Blog?

Micro means ‘micro’ or ‘extremely small’ and Niche means Category/Topic/Subject. That is, Micro Niche Blog is a blog made on a small topic, in which you target a particular subject, product or service.

Let us now understand this with an example. Suppose if you create a blog on Food, then that Food Blog is called a Niche Blog. But if you want to create a blog only about making Cake or Vegetarian Cake, then it will be called a Micro Niche Blog.

Similarly, if you are creating a blog on Fashion, then it will be a general niche blog, but if you are creating a blog only on men’s jeans in Fashion, then it will be called a Micro Niche Blog.

What is the difference between Micro Niche and General Niche Blog?

Inside a niche blog, you can cover many topics, but Micro Niche usually covers only one topic. For example, if your website is on Technology Niche, then you can write on Mobile, Earphones, Computers, Internet, YouTube, Google etc.

But if it is a Micro niche, then you will write posts only on Earphones or even within it only on Bluetooth earphones.

The area of ​​a niche website is quite wide, while in comparison the area of ​​a micro niche site is quite small. Because of this, working on a micro niche is relatively easy. Because the area is quite limited in it, you do not always need to stay updated or post repeatedly. You can rank for years and get traffic even by writing a few posts.

How are micro niche sites created?

To create a good micro niche website, you have to follow the following steps:

1. Select Your Niche:

It is important to select a good niche to start a micro niche blog. This is a very important step, do not hurry at all in this. Your niche should be such that it has a lot of traffic but the competition is relatively low.

For this, you have to do keyword research related to that niche. For keyword research, you can use free tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, Keyword Shitter or paid tools like SEMrush, ahrefs.

  • Gaming chairs
  • Camera tips
  • Wedding dressing styles
  • Indoor fun sports
  • Fuel-saving tips
  • Education expenses
  • Led lights
  • Cheapest food to get
  • Studio quality mics
  • Food without oil
  • Fix Ev chargers
  • Net worth
  • Phone covers

2. Choose Domain Name:

Now you have to choose a good domain name related to your niche. The URL or domain of a micro niche blog matters a lot in ranking it. The domain name must contain the main keyword of your niche. For example, if you are creating a blog on water purifier.

Then the domain must contain the word “water purifier”. You should first try to buy the domain waterpurifier.com, but if you do not get this domain, then you can take waterpurifierguide.com or other similar domains.

There are many companies to buy domains, like Namecheap, Godaddy, Bigrock etc. But if you take web hosting from hostinger. So you will get a domain absolutely free for one year. We will tell you further about how to avail this free domain offer.

Get Your Free Domain Now

Read more :- How to earn from laptop 2025

3. Setup Your Website:

For website setup, first of all you will need a domain, hosting and website building CMS platform. Although you can create a blog on any platform, but if you are really serious about starting micro niche blogging, then I would suggest you to choose WordPress.

It is quite easy to create a basic to professional blog on WordPress. Today most of the successful bloggers around the world use this platform. Next, we will tell you the complete process of how to create a micro niche blog on WordPress step by step.4. Post Articles:

After website setup, now you can post articles on your blog. Earlier when micro niche blogging was not very popular, the blog used to rank even without doing SEO.

But now you have to write SEO friendly articles to rank. If you write very short and low quality articles, then there will be a lot of problem in Google Adsense Approval. So try that at least 10-15 articles in the beginning should be high quality, informative and valuable.

How to create a Micro Niche Blog on WordPress with the help of Hostinger? Full Process step by step

If you want to start your Micro Niche Blog, then I would suggest you hostinger for Domain & Hosting. hostinger is a very popular and trusted hosting provider, which provides good service to users at a very low price (₹ 69 / Month).

By following some of the steps given below, you can create a good Micro Niche Site on WordPress within 10 minutes:

First of all go to hostinger website hostinger.in

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Managed Hosting for WordPress

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Hostinger Website Builder

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Priority support

You will not get the plan which has a minus sign next to it

Tip – There is no need to spend much money on hosting in the beginning. First select the Premium plan (₹129/month). Later you can also upgrade it when you get good traffic.

Now enter a domain name. hostinger gives domain for absolutely free for one year. Definitely take advantage of this. If you have already purchased a domain. Then you can use that too.

After this fill the account information. In this you have to enter your name, address, pin code, mobile no, email etc.

Below this there will be a section of package information. Choose the plan in it and you can add extra package as per your need in Package Extra. You will have to pay additional charges for extra package.

After this complete the payment process. To make payment you can choose any option like Debit/Credit Card, Wallet, Net Banking, UPI etc.

After making the payment your hosting and domain will be purchased. Now you have to go to hostinger Control Panel and setup the website.

After logging in, go to the Dashboard of Bluehost and click on Create Site in the My Site section.

Now you will see two options to create a site. You can choose any option and set up your micro niche site.

Read everything carefully and keep filling and selecting the details. You can make the blog even better by going to the dashboard and installing good themes, plugins, etc.

Just by doing this, your micro niche site will be ready within a few minutes. Now you can post on it.

What is micro niche blog

How to write a Micro Niche Blog Post:

1. Choose Topic:

First of all choose your topic. Although Micro Niche Blog is on a specific topic, but that topic also has some sub categories. For example, if your blog is on Cake Niche.

So you can write articles on topics like chocolate cake, pineapple cake, egg-less cake, Black forest cake, Birthday cake for children, etc.

2. Keyword Research:

After choosing the topic, do keyword research related to it. This is very important for Micro Niche Blog. Whether your blog will rank on Google Search Engine or not depends largely on your keywords.

To do keyword research, you can use tools like SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, Spyfu, Ubersuggest etc.

3. Content Research:

Due to Google’s new policy, low quality content cannot rank on search engines. In such a situation, if you want to rank, then you have to write high quality articles.

Content research is very important to write high quality content. You can use Google, YouTube or other Internet sources to do content research. Put all the valuable information in your article which is important for the users.

4. SEO:

After writing the article, do SEO in the right way. Without SEO, it is very difficult to rank in today’s time. On Page SEO includes the correct use of keywords, internal and external links, image alt tag, meta description, permalink etc.

Off Page includes backlinks, social media promotion, guest post etc. Both types of SEO are necessary for ranking.

5. Images:

It is very important to use images while writing blog posts. It has many benefits. The first benefit is that images improve the readability of the article.

This keeps users on your blog for a longer time. The second benefit is that if you use the correct alt tags with your images, it can rank in Google’s image search results and traffic can also come from there.

Ways to earn money from Micro Niche Blog:

1. Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate Marketing is the best way to earn money from Micro Niche Blogging. Many people create Micro Niche Site so that they can do Affiliate Marketing from it. In this, you have to sell Products & Services through your Affiliate Links.

The most popular Affiliate Program is Amazon Associates. Apart from this, you can earn a lot by joining the Affiliate Program of many other E-commerce Websites, Courses, Tech Services etc.

2. Sponsorship:

If your blog starts getting good traffic, then you can also get sponsorship of products or services related to your niche. How much you can charge from a sponsor depends on the traffic of your blog.

3. Google Adsense:

Many people are also earning money from Micro Niche Website through Google Adsense or other Adsense. However, I would not advise you to depend only on Adsense. Along with this, you can also use methods like Affiliate Marketing, Sponsorship etc.

4. Sell Your Own Product:

If your Micro Niche Blog starts getting good traffic, then you can also sell your own product. Suppose your blog is on women cosmetic products.

Then you can launch your own brand of cosmetic product and sell it to your users. Many people have started a company of their products or services through such blogs.

5. Reselling/Dropshipping:

If you do not want to make and sell your own product, then you can start reselling or drop shipping of the product.

Tips to be successful in Micro Niche Blogging:

Never deviate from the niche on which your blog is based. In the beginning, you will get less or no traffic but do not panic. In order to bring traffic, never leave your original niche and start posting on another niche. Write as good an in-depth article as you can on your niche.

Maintain the quality and consistency of your blog posts. No blog runs by posting one or two posts. In the beginning, post at least 10-15 good high quality posts. Once the blog ranks on Google, even if you don’t post, keep updating the old articles in between.

Backlinks can be very helpful in ranking a micro niche blog. To create a backlink, do networking or collaboration with other bloggers like you. Write guest posts. You can also promote your blog through Quora.

If you want to earn more money than less, you can do affiliate marketing by targeting users from countries like UK, USA. The conversion rate is very high in these countries. In such a situation, you can earn hundreds or thousands of dollars from a single product.

Do not put too many ads or links in the pursuit of getting more clicks. Otherwise, your blog will look less like a blog and more like an ads page. Users do not stay on such blogs for long.

Promote your affiliate links or ads smartly. There is no need to post many posts in this type of blog. Therefore, you can work on many micro niche blogs simultaneously. In such a situation, even if one or two blogs are not successful, you can compensate for it with the rest of the blogs.

Advantages and disadvantages of micro niche blog:


  • You do not need to post many articles on this type of blog. You can earn for years by posting 10-15 articles at a time.
  • You can earn good income in this even with less traffic.
  • It ranks faster on Google Search Engine than Normal Niche Blog.
  • For those who already do a job or business, it can be a good option to earn extra income from blogging.


  • There is relatively less traffic on it.
  • Today you can get bored by writing about the same thing again and again.
  • In this type of blog, the whole game depends on the keyword. Keywords play a very important role everywhere, from domain to article writing. If you are not able to do Keyword Research properly, then all your hard work can go waste.


In this post, we learned in great detail aboutWhat is Micro Niche Blog how to create it and how to earn money from it. In today’s time, this is a good way to earn money from blogging.

But every work takes some hard work and dedication. Only if you work with the right strategy, you can be successful in it.

I hope you have got the answer to all the questions related to Micro Niche Blog. Still, if you have any confusion or question in your mind, then you can ask in the comment section.



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