how to create multiple sources income
how to create multiple sources of income in village The importance of village is increasing in today’s time, because here too money can be earned easily in many ways. You can not only earn money from agriculture and animal husbandry, but you also have other options such as-
Homestay Business:
If you are thinking of running a homestay business in the village, then you can see a lot of options. For example, you can open an online website and create a rural market to unlock local products. Apart from this, you can also have the option to sell ghee, butter and other products made by you online.
Use of communication Tourism Industry:
If your village has tourist spots, you can earn money from the tourism industry. You can easily share the beauty and interestingness of your village with the people of the world. For this, you can create a website or application in which you can create tour packages for the village. With this, you can attract tourists to your village in a better way and earn more money for your village.
Milk Production:
If you have cows or buffaloes in your village, you can earn money through milk production. You can sell milk directly to customers along with local food products or use it to make milk products by processing your products in a milk plant. You will need investment for this, but it can prove to be profitable for you.

how to create multiple sources of income in Farming is a major income source for the village which is easily available to earn. You can cultivate grains, vegetables, fruits and other food products and sell them in local markets. To produce more, you can use more land or involve gardening and women’s groups with proper cropping system. To get more profit from farming, you can also use modern farming techniques.
Fish farming:
Fish farming can also be a good business in the village. You can do fish farming in ponds, rivers and lakes and sell these in the market. Some capital may be required to invest in this industry, but you can get profit with more sales.
Selling handmade products:
You can also sell handmade products in your village. You can sell mats, golden tukdi, flower-decorated utensils, cotton clothes, homemade food items like pickles, marmalade, papad, anarse etc. in your village. For this you may need to buy materials to make the product, but this can give you an opportunity to start an independent business.
Animal husbandry:
Animal husbandry can also be a big business in the village. You can raise goats, sheep, bulls, rams, chicks etc. and sell them for meat and milk. You can use open fields and grasslands in the village to feed your animals. You may need to invest some money in this industry, but it can have a great chance of earning profit.
Apart from the above-mentioned options to earn money in the village, there can be other options as well. You can increase your income through entrepreneurship and hard work. For this, you can explore new businesses according to new and requirements. For example, you can start a wholesale business of milk or vegetables in your village, open a shop to sell your own products in the next village or town, etc.

youtube channel:
You can earn money by creating a YouTube channel even while living in the village. You can make videos on topics related to your village and post them on your YouTube channel. You can make videos on village life or its traditions and culture and share them on your channel. When your channel has more views, then you can earn money from those views through YouTube.
Apart from this (Village Me Paise Kaise Kamaye), you can promote rural products of your village through YouTube videos. You can make videos of those products and share them on your channel. This will help people to know about your products and can also increase your sales.
You can also earn money by blogging while living in the village. You can write blogs on topics related to your village and post them on your website. You can write articles on village life or its traditions and culture and share them on your website.
When your blog articles have more traffic, then you can earn money from these views through advertising networks like Google Adsense. You can also post sponsored posts on your blog and earn money from that too.
Finally, if you are thinking of earning money in the village (how to create multiple sources of income) then by using patience and entrepreneurship you can definitely increase the income. There are still many opportunities in the village which you can use to increase your income. You can cultivate livestock products in the village