Research keywords for success Tools – Is your blog not getting any traffic at all? You have written around 100 posts on your blog so far but still you are not getting traffic, so today I will tell you why you are not getting traffic.
Most of the blogs stop working on their blogs because there is no traffic on their blogs. You must have heard from many people that you should publish your blog posts daily and traffic will come to your blog. Even after that if your blog is not getting traffic then you are making a mistake which I also made in my initial days.
And that was that I used to think that if I write blog posts daily then my blog will get a lot of traffic but nothing like this happened with me, I kept writing posts like this for about 2 years but I did not get any benefit from this thing.
When I used to write posts, I used to write only those posts which I thought that people can search about it or if this problem would be with other people too, then I used to make a post on that information and publish it on my blog.
Then after some time, when I looked at my Google Search Console, I found some keywords there, then I came to know that there is also something called Keyword Research. After that, when I started doing Keyword Research before writing posts on my blog
Then I started getting very good results on my blog and in this way my blog posts started ranking on good keywords. So you must have probably understood that if we have to bring traffic to our blog, then how important it is to do Keyword Research for that. So let me give you complete information related to Keyword Research today.(keywords for success)
- What is Keyword?
- How to do Keyword Research?
- About Keyword Research Tool, both Free and Paid.
- How to add your targeted keyword to the post.
So let’s know the complete information related to keyword research
What is keyword?
Before doing keyword research, we have to know what is the meaning of keyword. I will try to explain to you in very simple language what is keyword. Keyword is that which we search in any search engine,
Like “Make Money Online” or “How to earn money online” this keyword can be in any language. Similarly, you people must also be searching on Google, suppose you need information about something
So when you go to your browser or and write a word or sentence to get information about that thing, it is called keyword. So whenever we write posts for our blog
Then the post is written by targeting these keywords so that our post can rank on that keyword. There will be many of you who do not do Keyword Research before writing your post(keywords for success)
Those who do Keyword Research should also read this post because in this I have told you many such things which will help you in finding a good keyword.
You can guess how important it is to do Keyword Research for a blog by looking at these screenshots.
And right after that, I used to do Keyword Research and post on my blog. After that you can see for yourself how much the traffic on my blog has increased.
Tools used for Keyword Research
So this is for those people who do not know how to do Keyword Research? So let me tell you from the beginning how you should do Keyword Research. To do Keyword Research we need
some tools with the help of which we can know what is the Search Volume of that Keyword, what is the Keyword Difficulty, how much Traffic is coming from which Country on that Keyword.
We get such information with the help of these tools. Now these are available in Paid as well as Free form. I will tell you about both the tools then according to that you can see which one you should use.
- Ahrefs
- Semrush
- Ubersugesst
- WMS Everywhere (Chrome Extension)
So I will tell you about all these tools and how you can do Keyword Research using these tools. So let’s know how Keyword Research is done.
Here I will tell you about all these tools and along with this I will also tell you how we do manual Keyword Research.
1. Ahrefs
Ahrefs is a paid tool. This is a tool that is used by many bloggers. If you ask any blogger to suggest a tool for keyword research, he will tell you about this tool.
The best thing about this tool is that when you use it for the first time, you will not face any problem in using it.
Because its design has been kept very simple that you can use it easily. By using it, we can know the search volume of any keyword and along with this we can know all the things like Keyword Difficulty, CPC, Click.
Search volume means how many people are searching for that keyword. Most people use this tool because in it, along with keyword research, we can also analyze someone else’s website to know on which keywords his website is ranking.
And from where has he created backlinks for his post or domain. If you want to search for any low competition keyword, this can make your work easy because it has a very good feature of filtering keywords which makes our work easy.(keywords for success)
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2. Semrush
Semrush is also a paid tool. We can also take its free trial but we have limits in it, we cannot use it more than that. If you are a beginner, you can also take its free trial.
But I would like to tell you that after purchasing it, it will be very easy for you to find any keyword. Whatever limits you get in the free trial, you will not find them here.
Like Ahrefs, here also we will get to see many features like if we want to analyze someone else’s website, we can do that and if we want to do keyword research, we can do that too.
Now let’s talk about its special feature which you do not get to see in any other tool. That is, in this we get a SEO Writing Assistant who guides us how to write content.
For that we just have to write our targeted keywords and then start writing posts in it. It will also tell you that if you write an article of so many words then your post will start ranking.
So as you write the post, it will tell you where you have made mistakes.
So in this way you can prepare a quality content. In addition to a focus keyword, we also have to find related keywords in each of our posts so that our post ranks on more than one keyword. For that, we can use its Keyword Magic Tool.
3. UberSuggest
If you are looking for a tool for doing keyword research which is also free, then this tool will be good for you, but it cannot do as good a job as a paid tool can do, but you should also think that it does keyword research for you for free.
But here we cannot do keyword research as well as we can do in Ahrefs and Semrush. Here we do not get many things in such a good way that we can do a good keyword research.
But still with the help of this tool we can check the search volume of any keyword.
But you guys should not believe the CPC of that keyword because sometimes it shows wrong data. After knowing the search volume of the keyword, we can find out by doing a manual search whether we can rank on that keyword or not.(keywords for success)
4. WMS Everywhere (Chrome Extension)
It works very differently from other tools, and this is a Chrome Extension which we can use only in our Chrome browser and along with this this tool is also free.
If you do not have so much money that you can buy an expensive tool then this Chrome Extension will be very good for you, this tool has been released just a few days ago. If you have used Keywords Everywhere before, then this also works exactly like it.
If you guys are looking for an alternative to Keywords Everywhere for a long time, then this will be good for you. But with the help of this tool, we can only know the Search Volume and Related Keywords of the Keyword.
For that, first of all, we have to download it and after that activate this extension, then we just have to search that keyword on Google whose Search Volume we want to know.
Its Search Volume will be written below the Search Box and along with that, Realated Keywords will also appear in the Sidebar, with the help of which you can prepare a good article.
How to do Keyword Research?
It is very important to do Keyword Research before writing a post. If you do not search any keyword for your post, then it will be very difficult to get traffic on your blog.
I will not say at all that you will learn to do Keyword Research in a day. For this, you will definitely have to give some time, when you gradually do Keyword Research and post, then traffic will also come to your blog and you will also know how to find a good keyword for your blog.
I have told you about some tools above, from there you can know the search volume of any keyword. So you can use any of these tools, if you use Ahrefs or Semrush then it will be better.
Let us know once how we should do keyword research, so here I am using Semrush tool, you can also do keyword research with the help of this tool.
So for that, first of all we have to log-in to our Ubersugesst account, after that you have to put a keyword related to the article you are going to work on in this box here.
After that we have to choose the country in which we want to rank that article.
Then we have to click on the search button, after that all the data of that keyword will be shown, so now we can see from here what is the search volume of this keyword and what is its keyword difficulty. I have explained this to you only for an example, if you have a new blog then you should not work on such keywords.
I have told you below what kind of keywords you should work on, so you should understand it once so that you can find a good keyword.
1. Long Tail Keywords
For a new blog, we should always find Long Tail Keywords because Long Tail Keywords get ranked very quickly in Google, the competition on these keywords is very low.
Long Tail Keywords are those keywords which have 3 or more words such as “Mobile se Paisa Kaise Kamaye” this is a Long Tail Keyword. If our blog is new then we should work on similar keywords.
2. Low Competition Keywords
If we want to rank the post quickly in Google, then for that we have to find keywords with low competition in our post. Low Competition are those keywords on which very few people have written their posts, by using those keywords in our posts we can rank very quickly. If you all want to know how we find Low Competition Keywords, it is mentioned below, you must read it.(keywords for success)
3. Google Dorks
Even after doing keyword research, many bloggers still do not use this technique. By using Google Dorks, we can manually check our keywords whether we should work on that keyword or not. So we can use it in such a way that first of all we will find any keyword and then we will check how many posts related to the keyword are already indexed in Google.
If we get more results then it is useless to work on that keyword and if we get less results then we should definitely use that keyword in our post. If you people want to know that whatever keyword you have searched, how many people have used that keyword in their posts.
So for that we have to go to and write our keyword and after that and before that add the character with double quotes. Example: – If our keyword is, Online Paise Kaise Kamaye, then we have to search something like this “Online Paise Kaise kamaye”
After searching, all the posts that will be shown in the results will definitely have used this keyword in all those posts. So in this way we can find out that
How many posts have been written on your keywords till now, if the results are up to 10,000 or 15,000, then you must make a post on that topic and try to write better than all the top ranked pages.
Now if we want to see this result even better, then we have to search Inurl:”Your Keyword” before our keyword.
So as you can see, the results coming in Google have reduced so it shows how many people are there who have used this keyword in the permalink or URL of their post. And this is to check that how many people have used the same keyword in their title, so for that we have to search in Google Intitle: “Your Keyword”.
Now you can see that there are only 8 posts in which this keyword has been used, so in this way we can know about the keyword well by using Google Dorks.(keywords for success)

How to find multiple keywords?
You can find a good keyword by the method mentioned above, which will bring good traffic to your blog, but we should never rank our post on a single keyword, we should rank our post on multiple keywords. This should be done because
If our post ranks on only one keyword and the search volume of keywords is only 1000, then it will get very less traffic and if we rank our post on multiple keywords, then
we will get much more traffic than 1000 because now our post has started ranking on different keywords. Let us now know how to find multiple keywords to rank a post.(keywords for success)
1. Google Suggest
So in this list comes Google Suggest, which all of you must be knowing about, but if you do not know how to use it, then I am going to tell you about it.
Whatever is our main keyword, we have to write it on, but before that you open it in Incognito Mode in your browser by clicking CTRL + Shift + N button, then start typing your keyword in its search box.
Keywords should not be written in full at once, they should be written word by word, then you will see that Auto Suggest Keywords will appear below Google’s Search Box, then you can use these keywords in your article.(keywords for success)
2. People Also Search For
So if you want some more keyword or topic, then first of all you have to select any keyword on which you are going to work, after that whatever post is coming up in Google Search Result.
Then open any one post which is showing in Google Search Result, if you want to read that post then you can read it, otherwise you can come back to the same Search Result page.(keywords for success)
Now you will see a People Also Search For box below that post in which you will find many keywords which you can cover in your post. Then you can also create a new post on those keywords.
3. Search Related To
So with the help of Google we can find more related keywords, for that we have to search our main keyword in Google and after that, come to the bottom from where we take the Google Search Result to the next page.(keywords for success)
Now you will find many keywords there which you can use in your post. So in this way you can rank your post on more than one keyword for your post. So you can bring more traffic than before.
Hi there, constantly i used to check webpage posts here in the early hours in the dawn, for the reason that i love to learn more and more.