HomeNEW UPDATE50 plus sources of business ideas 2025

50 plus sources of business ideas 2025

50 plus sources of business ideas

These business ideas have been created keeping many things in mind, which is perfect according to today’s time. An estimated information has been given about the cost and profit in each business, which will give you an idea of how much cost is required in which business.

[Cost profit is mentioned only for your estimate, its amount can be less or more, it depends on many things]

Before telling the business idea, I would like to share a dialogue with you “No business is big or small and there is no religion bigger than business.”

Great Business Ideas [sources of business ideas]

  • This business ideas includes all these types of business ideas like:
  • Manufacturing Business Ideas
  • Online Business Ideas
  • New Business Ideas
  • Unique Business Ideas
  • Small Business Ideas
  • Side Business Ideas
  • Home Business Ideas
  • Big Business Ideas
  • Low Cost Business Ideas

In this list, I have included only those businesses which are perfect according to today.So let’s see…

1. Flour Mill

About the flour mill business: Flour mill is a business that can be started from home, there is a lot of savings in it and there is no shortage of customers, if we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 100 to 500 rupees can be earned daily.

You can also put your auto in a company like OLA, so that you will easily get a ride.

Advice: If possible, it will be better if you start this business near the ration shop and along with wheat, grind grains like jowar, bajra, maize as well.

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

2. Movie Downloading Shop

About the movie downloading business: Movie downloading is a business in which you have to download the movie once in your computer and then upload the same movie in everyone’s mobile. There is a lot of peace and comfort in this business. You only have to work hard sitting. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 100 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily. (Do this business after taking a license)

Advice: Along with movies, you can put many things like songs, games, TV shows etc. in it.

Cost: Starting from 50000/-

3. By selling water (Camper Service)

About the camper service business: Camper service is a business in which money is earned by just selling water. There will be a lot of competition in this in the coming time. To start this business, a water plant has to be set up on a small scale and a vehicle will be needed in which 100-50 campers can come and those campers have to be given to shops, carts, hotels in the morning. It is also very popular in wedding parties.

Advice: To set up business in the beginning, you can go to shops and tell people about your camper service, you can give them some offers, discounts etc. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Cost: Starting from 20000/-

4. Driving Auto/Taxi

About Auto/Taxi Business: Driving auto taxi is a business in which initially you will need an auto or taxi, however you can also run it on rent. Its demand is high during festivals and events. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 300 to 2000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: You should pay more attention to such places where you can get customers, that means bringing and taking that customer daily and you should drive auto at some special places like 4-5 in the morning, at this time people bring goods from the market and trains also come and go.

Cost: Starting from 200000/-

5. Renting goods

About the business of renting goods: Renting goods is a business in which you must have some goods or things that you can give to people. This is a very profitable business. If we talk about profit, then in the initial phase of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Charge less rent in the beginning.

Cost: Starting from 10000/-

6. Fruit store (setting up fruit carts)

About the business of setting up fruit carts: Setting up fruit carts is a business in which people are needed who will sell the fruits. In this, fruits are bought in bulk from the big market and then the carts have to be filled. If we talk about profit, then in the initial phase of this business, 500 to 2000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Give more profit to the vendors so that more people can join you and sell fruits at a lower rate, depending on the market

Cost: Starting from Rs. 100000/-

7. Earn money by selling old stuff

How to earn money from old stuff: In today’s time, there are many things which people need but due to lack of money, they prefer to buy second hand. You can take advantage of such an opportunity and buy old stuff from people at a low price and sell it for a little more money.

You can also use websites like OLX and QUIKR to buy old stuff. Here is the detailed information about how to earn money from OLX.

Advice: While buying old stuff, make sure to check it properly otherwise you may also suffer a loss.

Cost: Starting from 10000/-

8. Printing work

About printing business: Printing is a business in which many types of work can be done like taking out printouts, printing, xeroxing etc. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 100 to 2000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: In this, you should choose the one which has more demand(sources of business ideas)

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

9. Clothes Fitting Tailoring

About clothes fitting business: Clothes fitting is a business in which clothes have to be fitted. People get readymade and old clothes fitted. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: If possible, it will be better if you do this work in a readymade market.

Cost: Starting from 10000/-

10. Spice grinding business

About spices grinding business: Spice grinding is a business which is like a flour mill. Many people buy whole spices and get them ground. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Grind the spices in front of people and give it to them. Along with the spices, grind all things like dal, porridge, rice etc.

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

11. Delivery Service

About the delivery service business: Delivery service is a business in which you have to deliver the goods. In this, you can deliver many things like food delivery, delivery of goods etc. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 300 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Join a company and work in the beginning

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

12. Laundry Business

About the laundry business: Laundry is a business in which clothes have to be washed. The best thing about this business is that it has a captive customer base.

If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 100 to 500 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Buy a large washing machine and do this work with it.(sources of business ideas)

Cost: Starting from 50000/-

13. Repairing

About the repairing business: Repairing is a business in which there are many jobs. You can do the work of whatever you know more about. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily. business ideas in hindi

Advice: Do that which has high demand and which satisfies you

Cost: Starting from 20000/-

About kitchen business: Kitchen is a business in which all kinds of items related to the kitchen of the house have to be sold. This work increases rapidly during weddings. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Start this business after seeing the market environment

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

sources of business ideas

15. Kadhi Kachori Shop/Thela

About Kadhi Kachori Business: Kadhi Kachori is such a business that once it starts, it is difficult to handle customers. Most of the people start the business of Kachori Samosa, very few people are doing Kadhi Kachori business, the biggest reason for this is lack of information. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 100 to 2000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Start this business at a place where people keep coming and going and make very tasty Kachori so that the person who eats your Kachori tells 4 more people about it.(sources of business ideas)

Cost: Starting from 50000/-

16. Hair Cutting Shop

About hair cutting business: Hair cutting is a business which is always in demand. On Tuesdays and Sundays, hands never remain empty in this business. A lot of money can be earned from this. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: In the beginning, you should look at the market, if the rate of cutting is 70 rupees, then you should do this work for 50 only, this will bring more customers to you.

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

17. Cyber Cafe (Providing computer services)

About cyber cafe business: Cyber cafe is a business in which you can earn money on hourly basis. Not everyone does this business, that is why its demand is high. In this you can make children play games, provide internet service etc. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 100 to 500 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Open a cyber cafe at a place where children can easily reach and also keep good games and some essential software like Microsoft Office in which people can work.

Cost: Starting from 150000/-

18. Food Delivery Mesh (Tiffin Service)

About Tiffin Service Business: Tiffin service is such a business that once established, you just have to deliver food. Almost every city has people from outside and students. You just have to deliver food to them. It is not necessary that only students and outsiders use tiffin service. There are many people who use tiffin service. Good income can also be earned from this business. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 200 to 500 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: In the beginning, you should promote your tiffin service. Go to hostels and tell about your tiffin service. Make good food. Give a little more food than others.

Cost: Starting from 50000/-

19. Vanilla Tea Shop/Thela

About Vanilla Tea Business: Vanilla tea is a business which is currently available only in big shops and the price of this tea is higher than normal tea, while there is not much difference in the cost of making it. It is very tasty compared to normal tea and customers like it very much. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 100 to 500 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: In the beginning, sell this tea at the rate of plain tea, so that your business will be established in a very short time.

Cost: Starting from 20000/-

20. Selling Girls Tops

About Girls Tops Business: Selling girls tops is a business which does not require a shop. You can start it from a phad (space on the footpath). It has a good earning and girls nowadays like them more. You can buy them in bulk from outside and sell them in your city. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 300 to 500 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: You should sell at one price and hang a board for it. In this, you will not need to bargain much with the customer and buy girls tops by looking at today’s fashion.

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

21. Photo Editing Shop

About photo editing business: Photo editing is a business that will keep growing with time. Today’s young generation likes it very much. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 100 to 500 rupees can be earned daily.

You can easily learn photo editing online from here.

Advice: You can do this online as well. Post samples of your edited photos on Facebook and Instagram so that people can give you online orders and don’t forget to do this on Fiverr, you will get a lot of orders from there.(sources of business ideas)

Cost: Starting from 200000/-

22. Videography

About videography business: Videography is a business which is in high demand in wedding parties and it will grow in the coming time. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 500 to 2000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: You should do better videography than others, use a good camera and charge less than them.

Cost: Starting from 200000/-

23. Goat Farming (Raising Goat)

About Goat Farming Business: Goat farming is a business in which there is more income in less cost. In this, you have to raise goats and sell them after growing them. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 10000 to 100000 rupees can be earned.

Advice: You should raise goats of such breed which have low expenses

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

24. Handicraft (Making and selling things)

About handicraft business: Handicraft is a business which is mostly dependent on talent. The more talent you have, the more you will earn. Mostly women buy these things because these things are mostly for decorating the house. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: If you can make something different from others, then it will be best, otherwise make things which are necessary, you can look at the market.

Cost: Starting from 10000/-

25. Selling Pulao (Biryani)

About Pulao Business: Pulao (Biryani) is such a business that the number of people who eat it is not less, the more you sell it, the less it is. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 500 to 2000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Sell it by setting up a cart and in the beginning keep the rate lower than others, keep the biryani tasty so that customers come to you again and again.

Cost: Starting from 20000/-

26. Cooking on order

About the cooking business: Cooking is a business in which a lot of money can be earned from a single order. Wedding parties are held every day, in them you have to cook food on order. If we talk about profit, then in the initial phase of this business, 500 to 5000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: In the beginning, work with such people who are already doing this, there you will know all its ABCD.

Cost: Starting from 20000/-

27. Filling forms

About the form filling business: Filling forms is a business in which it is necessary to be educated. Every day some form or the other keeps coming out. There is a lot of money in this business too. If we talk about profit, then in the initial phase of this business, 100 to 500 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Work for less money in the beginning

Cost: Starting from 10000/-

28. Freelancer (Working from home)

About the freelancer business: Freelancer is a business in which you should have talent for one thing like you can do voice over, you can wish birthday by name, you can make website or anything that you know, I have given just one example, now you can have any talent that you can do, if we talk about profit then in the initial stage of this business, 300 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: The more unique and good your content is, the more orders you will get

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

29. Car Washing

About the car washing business: Car washing is a business that requires the right place. The place should be such where there is a constant movement of cars and motors. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 100 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily. business ideas in hindi

Advice: You can wash all types of vehicles as per your convenience by charging less money in the beginning(sources of business ideas)

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

sources of business ideas

30. Buying and selling old stuff

About reselling business: Buying and selling old stuff is a business which requires brain and skill. To earn good money, you should know the things, only then this business will be good. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 100 to 2000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: You can take the help of platforms like OLX, many people are doing the same work on these platforms, you can get ideas from there.

Cost: Starting from 50000/-

31. Trailer

About Tailoring Business: Tailoring is a business which neither requires a large space nor much money, you just need a sewing machine and some small items, if you stitch even one pair of clothes daily, you will easily earn 500 to 1000 rupees. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 500 to 1500 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: In the beginning, you should stitch clothes for a little less money than others.

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

32. Mobile Display Repairing

About Mobile Display Repairing Business: Mobile Display Repairing is a business in which the profit is quite good, but first you have to learn it. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Do everything related to mobile display. Along with installing the display, also install tempered glass.

Cost: Starting from Rs. 100,000/-

33. Milk Dairy

About Milk Dairy: Milk dairy is a business which takes time to set up. Since milk is a necessity in every household, it has many customers. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: The best way to establish your shop quickly is to give good quality milk at a low rate so that once the customer comes, he buys milk from you only.(sources of business ideas)

Cost: Starting from Rs. 50,000/-

34. Opening a Dhaba

About Dhaba business: Opening a Dhaba is a business which mainly has local food. Many people like to eat Dhaba food. It costs less than a hotel. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 300 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Open a Dhaba at a place where people from the village keep coming and going. Most of the rickshaw and truck drivers also like to eat at Dhabas.

Cost: Starting from Rs. 100,000/-

35. Contracting

About the contracting business: Contracting is a business in which you have to take a contract for something and then complete that work. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 1000 to 50000 rupees can be earned.

Advice: Do not take big contracts in the beginning, keep increasing the work as you gain experience.

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

36. Gym Field

About the Gym Field business: Gym Field is a business in which you can do many things like becoming a gym trainer, opening your own gym, renting gym machines etc. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Do this only if you have knowledge about the gym field

Cost: Starting from 300000/-

37. Property Dealer

About property dealer business: Property dealer is a business in which one has to buy and sell real estate. There is a little more risk in this business. If we talk about profit, then one can earn thousands and lakhs in one go. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 5000 to 100000 rupees can be earned.

Advice: It is very important to have experience before doing this. Do not do too big a business in the beginning.(sources of business ideas)

Cost: Starting from 200000/-

38. Soap Business

Soap Business About the Business: Soap business is such a business in which soap is made and sold in shops. You have to first learn how soap is made. If we talk about profit, then in the initial phase of this business, 300 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: The shopkeeper keeps soaps of every company whose rates are also almost the same. In the beginning, give more profit to the shopkeepers than you so that the shopkeeper sells more of your soap.

Cost: Starting from 50000/-

39. Decoration

About the decoration business: Decoration is such a business in which decoration has to be done in festivals, weddings etc. Every day something or the other keeps coming out. If we talk about profit, then in the initial phase of this business, 500 to 2000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Charge less money in the beginning while doing good work

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

40. Selling goods on commission (Affiliate)

About affiliate marketing business: Affiliate marketing is a business in which goods have to be sold on commission. You can do this work both online and offline. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 100 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Choose the goods which you can easily sell, this work is better online

Cost: Starting from 1000/-

41. Paper bag making business

About paper bag business: Making paper bags is a business which is always in demand, it can also be sold by going to shops, if we talk about profit, then in the initial phase of this business, 100 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Along with paper bags, you can also make things like paper envelopes in every size, small and big.

Cost: Starting from 10000/-

42. Furniture work

About furniture business: Furniture is a business in which a lot of work is available, if we talk about profit, then in the initial phase of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Work for others in the beginning so that you get experience of this work(sources of business ideas)

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

43. By getting a course done

About the business of getting a course done: Getting a course done is a business in which skill is required. There are thousands of courses which you can get done like English speaking course, tele course, Microsoft office course, Linux course etc. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 300 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Choose a course by looking at the demand and decide which course is more needed

Cost: Starting from 100000/-

44. By selling shoes/slippers

About the shoe/slipper business: Selling shoes/slippers is a business in which there is good income. You can buy goods in bulk and sell it in the local market. If we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 100 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Buy cheap goods and sell at one price

Cost: Starting from 50000/-

sources of business ideas

45. Marriage Garden

About marriage garden business: Marriage garden is a business for which you must have space. You can provide garden for programs like wedding parties. If we talk about profit, then in the initial phase of this business, 3000 to 100000 rupees can be earned.

Advice: Take less money in the beginning and keep the garden clean and decorated.

Cost: Starting from 500000/-

46. Parking

About parking business: Parking is a business in which a large space is needed in the market. If we talk about profit, then in the initial phase of this business, 200 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Make convenient parking for all vehicles

Cost: Starting from 500000/-

47. Ice Cream Shop

Ice cream business information: Ice cream is something that people of all ages like. If we talk about summers, then the demand for ice cream is very high, you must be knowing this. But along with this, people like to eat ice cream even in cold weather.

Advice: Always take care of quality in the ice cream shop if you want to be successful.(sources of business ideas)

Cost: Starting from 20000/-

48. Book Shop

How to do book business: Books are the storehouse of knowledge and if anyone wants to increase his knowledge, then he will definitely read those books, so you can open a book shop in which you can keep all the items related to studies.

Advice: Do not keep too many books in the beginning, you can buy books as per the demand

Cost: Starting from Rs. 100000/-

49. Medical

Medical shop in which you can keep all kinds of medicines. If we talk about saving in medicines, then there are some medicines in which up to 80% can be saved, so if your medical shop is in a good condition or a doctor sits nearby, then you can easily earn lakhs of rupees.

Advice: Wherever you open a medical shop, do contact the doctor, so that whatever medicine he prescribes, you can get it. For this, you may have to pay some money to the doctor.

Cost: Starting from Rs. 250000

50. Gift shop

Gift is such a thing that people give to each other to make them special, so in such a situation, if they have to buy something to give to someone, then they prefer to go to the gift shop, so that they can get something good which they can give to someone.(sources of business ideas)

If you open a gift shop then your cost will be a little more, because you will have to keep all kinds of gifts in the shop.

Advice: Decorate the shop in a similar way, so that people are drawn to the shop as soon as they see it.

Cost: Starting from 250000


51. Developing

About the developing business: Developing is a business in which something is created through programming language, now it can be anything app, software, site etc., it may take time to succeed in this, especially if you work on something new, if we talk about profit, then in the initial stage of this business, 300 to 1000 rupees can be earned daily.

Advice: Start on a small scale like web design, error fixing etc.(sources of business ideas)

Cost: Starting from Rs. 100,000/-

52. Tattoo shop

About tattoo business: Today people are very fond of getting tattoos on their body, so if you are good at designing and drawing, then you can start a tattoo business at a very low cost.

Advice: Take photos of all the tattoos you make and put them in the shop so that any new person who comes will see your work and ask you to get a tattoo.

Cost: Starting from Rs. 10,000/-

Which business idea will be right for you?

It depends on:

How much money you have

Which business are you satisfied with.

What skills do you have.

So how did you like these sources of business ideas and which of these businesses would you like to do? Well, I hope you liked these business ideas.

If you have any question regarding these business ideas, then please tell us by commenting below.



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